March 3, 2018

03.03.2018 10:35

Confessions of A Silenced Popsicle Thief* It was a white December evening in 2016. We were sitting at her kitchen table in a small town on the east coast. We were speaking in low tones, telling hushed stories that held us fast to the cold wooden seats of the stiff kitchen chairs. Outside, the deep […]

21.11.2017 9:25

Time Now her knees hurt when she walked down the hill to the city. They resisted like springs too tightly wound, rigid, yielding little to the demand of the steep downward slope. She looked down. The tight, supple skin around her knees looked softer, she thought. Hard knees, soft skin. Were those wrinkles? On her […]


02.11.2017 14:04

While she was sleeping The Wind now ceased her plaintive howling and whispered her goodbyes to the lifeless form at her feet. Silence stepped in her wake, idly unfolding his leaden cape. The Sun raised his head from behind the grey wall of the horizon and looked towards the Island. She lay dazed, a tattered […]


25.08.2017 12:00

Into the unknown Here the sky is blue, the clouds are white, the trees between are green. Their branches sway, rocked by the familiar gentleness of the wind’s lullaby. A black bird drifts by on the soft breeze. He has flown through here yesterday, and every day before.  A dog barks in the distance at […]


26.07.2017 08:17

Journey’s End (The Other Side of Nowhere) The shroud of years past clutched in its fold Worn pleats of paths forever etched Sweet lines birthed from some delicate mould Now by Time’s hand craftily stretched To fight by day and kneel by night’s light Mourn lovers lost and offspring strayed To grasp at Time’s raised […]


14.07.2017 12:14

A writer’s harvest Dead they lie ‘neath your leaden feet Strewn o’er Time by a careless hand Once vessels of treasure replete, Now maggot-filled shells on barren land. No wish how strong can bring them back, No sorrowful desiring Can raise to light those in the dark Hold off heavy suspiring. But show your hand, […]