Baystore At the foot of The Hill was a grey expanse of rolling water that stretched east to the horizon. All day the water rumbled at the edge of the road, spitting her angry, white froth against the confines of glistening boulders placed there by government trucks after the last hurricane. When night fell, she rose […]
25.05.2018 11:29
Dreams of tomato ketchup Both her parents had had noble intentions when they had left their island and their offspring. She was the sole fruit of their union but they had had others; her father had had two after her, her mother had had three before her and four after her, but the latter four […]
12.05.2018 07:06
The house in the sky She sits on top of the red and white checkered polyester bedspread, her bare feet dangling over the edge of the bed. Next to a white square with its careful splatter of embroidered crimson dots is a coloured-in mandala. She has been filling in the empty spaces between the […]