The house in the sky She sits on top of the red and white checkered polyester bedspread, her bare feet dangling over the edge of the bed. Next to a white square with its careful splatter of embroidered crimson dots is a coloured-in mandala. She has been filling in the empty spaces between the […]
10.03.2018 20:24
In an empty house near a sugarcane field She felt guilty for hating them. They were nature’s defective machines bringing mechanically into existence defective beings, lost soldiers born into a raging war they were not taught to understand, thrown into a battle they were not trained to fight. What forlorn creatures they were! Their eyes […]
01.12.2017 13:28
Dust off your soul There was a time when she could not sleep for the gnawing thoughts that ate at her efforts to find peace. “Tell us,” they shouted, “Tell us before we die. Speak of us, why don’t you?” “But I do,” she reasoned. “Not enough!” They screamed. “Not enough!” “She looked at them […]