In the Belly of the whale Everything had to be perfect for Brother Jonas. The women were dressed in the most demure of demure attire, their sobre and unpretentious handbags heavy with magazines and bibles, their faces alight with righteous glory. The men were pillars of leadership, taking their holy role as head of the […]
19.06.2017 15:51

Facing a blue screen When she saw him again it was a Monday afternoon, eighteen years later. Time had lengthened him out, stretched him at the edges, had filled his once lean cheeks and softened his sharp jawline. Time had put that grave stamp of age on his face. “I’m getting old,” he said. He […]
26.06.2013 15:03

Staring into nothing His touch was gentle, his hold was firm, and there was a fire burning in his eyes that she feared would consume her. Heartbeat, drumbeat, a thunderous tandem, a feast with no food, a full cup with no drink. She was ready, but there was nowhere to go. “Prend-moi, je suis à […]